( ! ) Deprecated: Array and string offset access syntax with curly braces is deprecated in H:\wamp64\www\stargas\default\public\mibew\vendor\symfony\yaml\Symfony\Component\Yaml\Unescaper.php on line 70 |
Call Stack |
# | Time | Memory | Function | Location |
1 | 0.0028 | 365240 | {main}( ) | ...\index.php:0 |
2 | 0.0057 | 365816 | require_once( 'H:\wamp64\www\stargas\default\public\mibew\libs\init.php' ) | ...\index.php:21 |
3 | 0.0246 | 371632 | load_system_configs( ) | ...\init.php:32 |
4 | 0.0291 | 376504 | Symfony\Component\Yaml\Parser->parse( ) | ...\configurations.php:37 |
5 | 0.0323 | 391256 | Symfony\Component\Yaml\Parser->parse( ) | ...\Parser.php:215 |
6 | 0.0323 | 392728 | Symfony\Component\Yaml\Parser->parseValue( ) | ...\Parser.php:223 |
7 | 0.0323 | 392816 | Symfony\Component\Yaml\Inline::parse( ) | ...\Parser.php:467 |
8 | 0.0323 | 392848 | Symfony\Component\Yaml\Inline::parseScalar( ) | ...\Inline.php:71 |
9 | 0.0323 | 392848 | Symfony\Component\Yaml\Inline::parseQuotedScalar( ) | ...\Inline.php:212 |
10 | 0.0324 | 393376 | spl_autoload_call
( ) | ...\Inline.php:263 |
11 | 0.0324 | 393440 | Composer\Autoload\ClassLoader->loadClass( ) | ...\Inline.php:263 |
12 | 0.0327 | 393600 | Composer\Autoload\includeFile( ) | ...\ClassLoader.php:322 |